I don't even have the good excuse of a monkey on my head! ;) (I loved that one, Sonja!) I've blogged a few times since my last post, but I didn't publish. I think I was trying to be profound, or something. After a wonderful, brief chat with my dear friend, Juwah, I was encouraged to write about the normal "stuff." So, here goes...
Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny! Beautiful weather for a restful day. Ahhhhh! I jumped in my car for the hour drive to service. I read a story on the way...(Yes, sometimes I read while driving.) It was an encouraging story about a little girl who began reaching out to other boys and girls in her neighborhood. After many days of hard work and patience they listened to the storied that she told about Jesus and gave thier lives to Him! I also listened to a wonderful song by Sandy Patty. Okay, I have to admit, I'm not a huge Sandy Patty fan, but her song, "Falling Forward" is wonderful!
I had the wonderful priveledge to once again teach the wonderful children at my church. I'm so blessed to have such a great group of children with wonderful Mommies and Daddies! They were full of questions this Sunday. It's exciting to see their little minds beginning to grab onto truth!
Right after morning service, I drove back home. Lucas, my brother, and I had our first "Faith Finders" meeting. This is a new ministry that we have started in our hometown. For the past few years, my heart has been aching to share Jesus with these precious little ones who do not have positive influences on their lives. This past Thursday evening, Lucas and I visited several homes and invited the children to come. As I drove/walked the same paths on Sunday, I found several were not home and others were not allowed to come. As I rounded the corner of the last street I saw Lucas, expectant face smiling, awaiting my arrival with several children. This was not the case. We had no children. I sat down in our decorated room and tears flowed freely from my eyes. How could it be that these parents don't want their children to know Jesus? Was I wrong in thinking that this was something that we should do? Lucas stood and looked out of the front door. My Uncle, my father's brother, and his young son were exiting their vehicle. We proceeded with our plan for Caelan. We had a wonderful time. My Uncle stayed for the entire time. This was such a blessing, since they have not been faithfully attending church. Today, my Aunt called. She is going to bring her girls and some other children from their town. My Uncle had called her and expressed the program in detail, stating that his son had a wonderful time! Wow! Maybe we are in Neoga to reach our family! We can do nothing without God's help! Please pray for us, if you have the chance. :)
A HUGE THANK YOU TO THE HOARD FAMILY FOR THE LOVELY TREAT BAGS!!!!!After our service, I went back to church in Salem. It was a wonderful time of discussion and fellowship. Two of the Gilley girls followed me home. We had a fun group visiting from GBS. They are taking Lucas to a youth camp this week.
We were getting ready to eat the yummy food that my mother had fixed when the phone rang. My Mom, in a rush to answer to phone, tripped and fell. To make a long story short, I took her to the emergency room around 11:00p.m. She broke her arm, close to her elbow, and badly sprained her ankle. We got home around 2:30a.m.
My parents are in the process of remodeling their house, so tonight Dad and I moved out all of our appliances so that the an Amish man can come tommorrow to redo all of the hard wood flooring.
I entitled this blog Happy Moments in Stressful Circumstances...
1. Micah Thomas praying in Sunday School.... I wish you all could hear him! It's precious! All of the children's prayers are precious, but he's so little! :)
2. Happy unexpected beverages from friends!
3. The fun umbrella hat for "Faith Finders"
4. Singing "Elevation" to the tune of "Celebration" in the emergency room with my mother at 1:30a.m.
5. A nurse with a great sense of humor.
6. Gas for $2.99!
7. My father laying hands on our fridge and praying that God would help us get the blessed thing out of our house in one piece! :)
8. Happy notes from visitors!
Until next time....