I wrote this blog some time ago....I'm just getting around to posting it. I hope your day has been a wonderful, relaxing day of drawing closer to Him.
It was beautiful today. The Floridian sun nearly sparkled as a left my little abode. Sunday school was delightful, church was even better. It has been a good day with God. This past week was a little more challenging. Good, but challenging. I’m teaching the college class on Monday nights for 3 hours. Then this past Tuesday night I was asked to speak at a Women of Worth Tea. Wednesday evening was our annual church meeting; Thursday was the final day of preparation for report cards to go home on Friday. Added to all of this, was the delightful experience of Spirit Week! Yes, I wore my giant top hat with the large purple flower. I now am the proud owner of a pink and gray tie. I have paraded down Gomez Avenue repeatedly wearing red and white striped knee socks. Whew! It was a crazy week!
I thought you, dear, faithful, reader might enjoy ‘hearing’ my little devotional. My dear friend Julia helped me to brainstorm. Thank you, friend! Our theme was ‘Out Your Spout.’
At the end of a long, gravel road in central Illinois you will find a small little home. During the winter, smoke curls from the chimney. This is the home of my grandparents. I remember, as a little girl, visiting grandma and grandpa. They would welcome us into the home and I would see the teapot sitting in its permanent place on the back of the stove. The water would be turned on and before long, we would hear the loud whistle, calling us to the table. Grandpa would have his cup of coffee and Grandma sometimes tea.
As Christian women what comes out of our mouths is vastly important. We are a picture of Jesus to a lost and dying world, but also to our sister, right here at the table with us, and that sister who couldn’t make it tonight.
I couldn’t help but think of the little song, ‘I’m a Little Teapot.’ As an elementary teacher, I can’t stay too serious for too long. ;)
Let’s begin with the first phrase of the song…I’m a little teapot short and stout. We’ll skip over the short and stout part, instead let’s look at I’m a little teapot and ask ourselves the question…who am I? Well first of all we must begin with the fact that you are valuable to God. Our pastor has been talking about our value before God. (Psalm 139:1-18) After realizing our value before Him we must then begin the process of knowing ourselves. It is so easy to deceive ourselves. My prayer is like that of Psalm 139:24. ‘Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts.’ Once we have a clear picture of ourselves, things are not always pretty, but thankfully God doesn’t leave us without help.
Back to our little song…Here is my handle, here is my spout. God has given us tools to overcome. We have His word. This gives a clear picture of ourselves and a clear picture of God. Through reading His word we can overcome. He has also given us dear friends. We, as women, have the ability to develop close bonds with our sisters. We can sharpen each other and questions each other. This will draw us closer to Him. He has also given us the ability to prepare ahead of time. We don’t know what pressures with come in life, but we can go through things in our minds and prepare ourselves mentally.
When I get all steamed up…Pressures and trials are going to come. What is on the inside will come out. Friends may betray us, there could be a loss of job, a loss of a loved one, etc.
Hear me shout…What is going to come out of our lives? Will be respond by tearing down our brothers or sisters? Will respond in jealousy, bitterness, anger, hatred? OR Will we respond out of love for our Lord and trust in Him?
Tip me over and pour me out…Our goal must be to empty ourselves completely and ask Him to fill our vessel with Himself. We can then be a precious aroma to Him and pour out for those around us.