Why the dog, flightlight, and man? I had the joy of teaching the children at our church camp this year. Our theme was "Quest for Truth." Some of the songs were very precious. Sitting on the front row, watching/listening to the children sing "I want to trust Christ" brought tears to my eyes. Oh, how I hope that they give their lives to Jesus.
Faith Finders came to an end one week ago. It was sad to say good-bye to the precious children. Our last Sunday we had 25 children! We gave each child a Bible. They were all so sweet.
This next week we (Rachel, Lucas, and I ) will be heading to Florida. We're going to help Rachel move into her new apartment and we'll spend some time just "hangin." I'll also get to visit my wonderful friend, Kelli and her sweet family. I'm very excited!
It will probably be awhile before I report again. Try to stay cool! ;)
Thank you so much for your input into our children's lives, Jo! I don't think you can begin to know the impact your life is having.
Do enjoy your "down" time with Lucas and Rachel. We look forward to when you return.
Love ya!
Wow...25!! Have a wonderful and relaxing trip!
Amen to Laura's comment, you are such an important part of our boy's lives. More than once, some truth you've taught the boys comes out of their mouths and shocks me to death. I'll say, "where did you learn that?" They always reply, "Ms. Jo taught us." This week Josiah and Micah have been "sneaking" around the house equipped with magnifying glasses and hats on their quest for truth. It has been very common to hear them singing the "Quest for Truth" theme song at different times throughout the day. You are one fantastic teacher and our kiddos are BLESSED to have you in their lives.
Hope you all have a great time in Florida, I know you'll have a great time getting there. (I'd love to ride along sometime on a Ryder road trip.) :)
So glad church camp went well for you Jo. It was sooooo good to see you in person this weekend. I can't wait to see what you blog when you get back (as I'll be checking...he he). Love you.
Still checking... (he he). I told you you wouldn't be off the hook as far as blogging goes. :)
Hey Jo,
Ya got Holiday World Picts?
Thanks so much for all of your hard work and great teaching at camp!! Indeed, our "chitlins" are so blessed to have you as their teacher!! Thanks for "giving to the Lord"!! Love ya!!
Thanks so much for your kind comments on my blog.
Hope you have a great time this weekend!!
Hey...missin you in the blog world
:)!!! Come back.....
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