Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Random Story from Miss Ryder's Life

Stories impact our lives. As many of you know, I love reading. There is something almost magical that happens with the written word and a change within us. Maybe it has something to do with the effort put into the task of decoding the text. I'm not sure, but I can say that stories impact lives. I read stories aloud to the boys and girls in my fourth grade classroom. We laugh with the characters, we wrestle with their problems, and we predict what may come next in their lives.

Recently, in an effort to connect and teach life lessons, I've started saying, "And now a random story from Miss Ryder's life." So, I thought you out there, yes you with your nose squished against the computer screen. I thought that you might enjoy some random stories from my life...

1. I was at the beach minding my own business, preparing to carve a pumpkin with two dear friends. (Yes, I can see you pulling your eyebrows together saying, "Carving a pumpkin, on the beach?" Well, don't judge what you haven't tried. It was delightful!) All of a sudden I heard a rather loud voice saying, "Oh, it's you!" Well, since I'm new to this location, I thought the poor soul was looking for another 'you,' so I averted my eyes. The call came again, "It's you from Winn Dixie." Well, at this point I thought what would it hurt to look? There she was, donning her Hawaiian wrap with arms outstretched. They enveloped me in a hug. She poured her fears of leaving her job at Winn Dixie to take care of her aged mother. There I stood, pumpkin in hand, sand oozing between my toes, thinking about the affect we can have on the lives of others without realizing it. I had been through her line many times at Winn Dixie. I can’t tell you what we talked about in line, but I was able to tell her as the sun set began that I would be praying for her. We went on and found the perfect pumpkin carving spot, all the while remembering people are watching our lives. Are we reflecting the love of Jesus to a lost and hungry world?

2. A couple of weeks ago I attended a wonderful teacher’s convention called FACCS! October is always the month in teaching when things get tough. The honeymoon stage has ended. True colors are flaring and let’s just say, this teacher needed a little educational revival. Boy, did I find one. I was so encouraged by the people that I met. During one of the sessions I got to hear my hero in the field of education, Guy Dowd. It was wonderful. I mourned my leaving of public education. My heart ached for the students, teachers, and staff in public education. I’m thankful for teacher’s who love and care for students.

3. I went to the mailroom. I opened the mailbox. I called into the mailbox. Hello……hello…….hello…..My voice bounced off of the four walls, it jumped around the mail room and smacked me in the face. The guys standing next to me raised an eyebrow. We discussed the sadness of not receiving mail.

4. I went to the mailroom. I opened the mailbox. I GOT A CARD!!!!!! I opened it! I laughed…..and coughed a lot……I laughed some more. I played the card over and over! I’m thankful that I have funny friends!

5. I was sad…It was a lonely weekend….I was stupidly wallowing in self-pity. ( I sat myself down and Jesus is helping me to not fall in this trap again!) I went to Wal-Mart. The CD aisle was calling for perusal. The John Waller CD sparked my interest. I purchased the CD. There is a wonderful song entitled “God Reigns Here.” He lists a variety of emotions and says, “I command you to leave in Jesus name….you’re not welcome here…so just go!” I’m so thankful that emotions don’t have to control us!

Well, I guess, like Paul Harvey there may be a rest of the story later…but here are Random stories from Miss Ryder on November 10!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Oh, yes the weather is beautiful, but I find myself allowing one sunny day to flow into the next without truly grasping the passing of time. As I wrote the date this morning, one of my youngsters proclaimed, “It’s almost Christmas!” And, yes, while palm trees sway…it is almost here! So, time moves on while I remain here in this beautiful place.

My students are growing. I wish you could come and spend some time with these wonderful developing boys and girls. They’ve been teaching me. Yes, I’ve learned about trust as I’ve watched one struggle with an issue I can only imagine! I’ve seen myself mirrored in their beautiful blues, browns and greens. My past struggles are there and I pray with them. I laugh with them. We sometimes cry together. And sometimes we are just plain silly. Oh, I love them so. Beautiful, that’s what they are!

At the end of the day it’s nice to escape to my quaint, little home. Yes, it feels like home now. Already these walls could tell stories of happy days and those not so happy, of beautiful times of commune with Jesus and times of struggle. There are memories here.

I’m developing friendships with some dear ladies and gentlemen here. I watched a dear lady lead someone to Jesus the other day. What a precious soul!

There is a longing for the familiar. I can’t wait to lay eyes on friends and family from home. To sit and chat with others where walls come down and we are ‘real.’

In the mean time, I jump on my Anne of Green Gables bike and I go to the ocean. I sit in that special spot where the sand almost works as a little stool. I revel in the beauty and splendor of our Creator! I sit and relax as I’m reminded of His faithfulness, His mercy, His love…ahhh!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm not alone! :)

Along life's road There will be sunshine and rain
Roses and thorns, laughter and pain
And 'cross the miles
You will face mountains so steep
Deserts so long and valleys so deep
Sometimes the Journey's gentle
Sometimes the cold winds blow
But I want you to remember
I want you to know

You will never walk alone
As long as you have faith
Jesus will be right beside you all the way
You may feel you're far from home
But home is where He is
And he'll be there down every road
You will never walk alone

The path will wind
And you will find wonders and fears
Labors of love and a few falling tears
Across the years
There will be some twists and turns
Mistakes to make and lessons to learn
Sometimes the journey's gentle
Sometimes the cold winds blow
But I want you to remember where ever you may go

You will never walk alone
As long as you have faith
Jesus will be right beside you all the way
You may feel you're far from home
But home is where He is
And he'll be there down every road
You will never walk alone

Jesus knows your joy, Jesus knows your need He will go the distance with you faithfully

Monday, September 7, 2009

A tribute to Rach!

Most of you know my dear sister, Rach! I had the wonderful chance to live with her this past year! Since that time we've moved FAR away, but I'm thankful that I had the chance to get to know her better...

I love you for so many reasons. I love that no matter what the circumstance, you can find something funny and cheer everyone! I love that when you laugh, you laugh with gusto! I love that you never, ever think inside the box. I love that you push me outside of my comfortable box. I love that you have a huge servant heart that is always thinking about others. I love that you love gifts and giving gifts. I love your zest for life! I love that you love and trust Jesus! I love you!

Happy Birthday my sister and my friend! :)


Happy Labor Day!

I hope you all had a relaxing day! Here is my day in pictures...

A delightful bike ride to the beach...this is what stories are made of...
Scenery along the way!
My improved living room with curtains, a little lamp and a happy picture purchased from a dear friend. :) Beautiful Floridian Sky

A delightful picnic and ball game to end the day!

Changes with Jasmine...

Have you ever had one of those experiences where you recognize something, but you know that it has changed? For example, your best friend loses weight. You aren't around her for sometime. You see her again and you can't help but look at her repeatedly. Something familiar has changed. So, I've had this experience recently, only it wasn't with a human. No, my little Jasmine, my traveling companion, has changed. She and I have gone many miles together and yet here we are looking very differently...sadness, yet happiness, too!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Thinking, Reading and Spending Time Alone

There are many things that I enjoy about the amount of time that I’ve spent alone recently. I’ve been able to catch up on some reading. Last Sunday I listened to a Ravi Zacharias’ book entitled "The Grade Weaver." Although there was a bit too much room left for a lack of choice on human shoulders, I found it to be encouraging and rather invigorating! God has a vested interest in our lives, in making sure that we are following after Him. He is patient and diligent in shaping us into His image. It has been my experience that this process is somewhat painful and taxing, yet when I realize the purpose, (His best interest.) my mind focuses on how I can respond to my surroundings to make the best growth in my relationship with God.

Yesterday I received a temporary library card. There is a small/cute library here in Hobe Sound. I found two more books on CD that I have been enjoying. In my car, I’m listening to Max Lucado’s "It’s Not all About Me." This is simply a good reminder to me that God is definitely in the center. I like the example of the sun being the center of the solar system. This book is rather simple, yet I’m enjoying it.

I also got John Eldredge’s book "Waking the Dead." This one is rather interesting and I have definitely found some things that I disagree with, but it is interesting as well. I wish some of you were closer so that we could chat about it. (If you are close and would like to chat….Just give me a call! J)

Another happy book that I picked up was A.W. Tozer’s "The Pursuit of God." This one is a little meatier. It has been absolutely wonderful so far. I’ll have to post some quotes later. Very encouraging!

The last little book that I got with my 5 book limit for a temporary card was "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle" written by Avi. I read this book repeatedly as a pre-teen. I couldn’t remember all of the intricacies of the story, so I thought I’d try it again. I’m interested to find what was so intriguing to me when I was that age. I’ll have to post later and let you know. It may have impacted me more than I realize.

Well, I said that this is what I’m enjoying about being alone. I haven’t mentioned what I don’t enjoy. That list might be a little too long and depressing. I’m thankful for times of thinking, though and times of being alone.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Following the Rules

Tonight I heard a delightful talk! Bless the speaker's heart! : ) If we have committed to be connected to a certain organization, group, or cause, it seems to make sense that we should follow the rules of those involved. Sometimes these rules are outlined clearly and other times they are underlying/unwritten rules.
Please understand, I'm not advocating mindless obedience without questions. However, if I have assessed the organization and feel that what it has to offer is valuable enough to join, then I should follow the rules.
When I bust out from under the outlined boundaries, I may be the cause of relational difficulties, negative influences, and many other negative effects.
I think that in such matters relationship usurps my own agenda/wants.
Well I think I've been sufficiently vague in my presentation here. If you have followed these rambling thoughts of a tired teacher on Thursday evening, I'd love to hear what you think.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fourth Grade

I have been blessed with a very sweet class! If LaRae is reading this...I wish you could see this group. They look a little more like the video! :)

We wrote in our journals the other day and one of my little guys ended his entry with..."well that's all for now..." So sweet!

The curriculum is pretty daunting in the Fourth Grade. We're very excited about it, though! The students have already started their insect collections. I'm a little nervous about the size of the bugs!!!

My last BLOG had the word 'snakes' in it. In my rush to finish the BLOG, while sitting in my car, I forgot to include the story.

Lucas and I (when he was still here) decided to take a little walk Sunday evening, after church. We were on our way back from the beach and chatting away about I'm not sure what.... All of a sudden, I happened to look down! I could just barely make out the outline of a snake in front of me! Unfortunately, I was already in stepping motion and couldn't stop myself! Behold, I stepped upon the snake a let out quit a large yell while beginning to run. Sadly, I was wearing a long jean skirt. Well, if you run in skits often, you know that they have a tendency to wrap around one's legs. Sure enough my skirt began to do just that. I'm sure you know what I was thinking! Could that snake still be with me?!!! This resulted in more noise, which was ridiculed by the dear, loving brother! Thankfully my trusty heart made it through the episode and I haven't seen another one since! :)

I hope your day is better! :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sharks, Snakes, Surprises and Sayounara Summer

Oh dear...it has been some time since I've posted. I must say though, I think I have some good reasons for not getting to my computer. : )

To catch you all up on life...here are some pictures.

The little house at Mode Camp where I had the opportunity to teach the youngin's!

Fishy windows

After Mode Camp, Lucas and I traveled to Florida. We made a stop in St. Augustine. I was thankful for a chance to see some of the places that I will be teaching about in Florida State History this year! : )

This little "room" was located near a one room school house. I couldn't resist posting this picture! : )

I've been spending quite a bit of time in my classroom over the past few days. Here is how the year will begin.

I'm adjusting to life in Florida. I miss everyone from home! Last Thursday was especially hard since Lucas left on Wednesday evening. Two wonderful teachers came over armed with sparkling grape juice, flowers and a card! Thank you girls! : )

I have been thinking about so many things lately and would like to post some deeper thoughts, but my bed is calling tonight!

More later...Jo

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Moving to Florida

Some of you may not be able to make the long journey to Florida, so I thought I'd post some pictures...
Pictures of the move...
16 ft. Budget Truck...I got to know this critter pretty well.
The apartment all packed up.
Amazing moving crew! Thank you Esther, Julia, Matt, Josiah, Micah, Dave, Christian and Caelan!
Packed Truck
Miles of cones in KY!
My little home. I never imagined life with a palm tree, but here we go! ;)
Mom and I found this happy little shelf at Wal-Mart.
The tile shower...fun!
Little sink and happy light.
I put this above my bed.
The kitchen with a cute minature stove.

I still have to hang the shelf and clock in the open spot above. ;)

So many books!

The living room.

The blinds are hung on the windows now...it makes it so much cooler and changes the look of the room. :)

My fourth grade classroom. We only got to work here for a couple of hours. I'm thankful for the space! :)

Mom and I got to see the ocean before leaving. It is incredible.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sisters of My Heart

I have an amazing sister. Recently I bid her farewell as she embarks on the next portion of her journey. I treasured the time that we spent together, and I'll miss her dearly! With thoughts of sisterhood swirling in my head, I entered a nearby coffee shop on July 4th.

Upon entering the warm surroundings of Joe Sipper's, I spotted my dear friend and former roommate. We hadn't talked for several months. Smiles were exchanged and conversation began. As we talked, I felt a connection of our hearts. Even though changes have been made in both of our lives, we were somehow on the same page in our walk with Jesus.

While tasting the delightful turkey sandwich, humus and chips, I spotted another young lady that I hadn't seen since my early teens. She told tales of following Jesus with sparkling eyes. No, I don't have a deep relationship with this dear one, but I must tell you, it felt like we were sisters.

On Sunday, my dear pastor's wife and I had an exchange about sisters, and I must say I count her as mine.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that although blood is strong, my sisters are of different ages, walks of life, denominations, and locations, but the bond of sisterhood is a stong one. I think that through these times of reuniting/connecting we get little glimpses of what Heaven must be like. What it must be like to spend eternity with those who have a living/vibrant relationship with Jesus!

I could write a lengthy BLOG about each of you, my sisters! Thank you for your support and encouragement. I can't wait until our next meeting, when hearts connect and we spur each other on in our journey!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

Hello dear friends. It's been some time since I've ventured into blog world. This is due to the great amount of craziness and change since my last post. Wow, since then I've made the decision to move to Florida to teach fourth grade. With the help of my awesome family and Alanna, (THANK YOU GUYS!!!!) my first grade classroom is packed and sitting in my parent's garage. We're in the middle of a VBS this week at my parent's church. It is going really great! Here are a few pictures to document what has been happening lately.

A great visit with my grandparents, Lucas and Alanna!
Lucas helping to blow up the whale...Willy!

Willy lives!!! A BIG thank you to my cousins Christian and Kelsae for helping to finish the blowing process! : )

Underwater creatures hanging from the ceiling! Rachel, Christian and Kelsae did all of this!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!!

Fun decorations! Yeah!

THANK YOU Esther for cutting out these scary critters! : )

Willy hanging from the ceiling!

Bible Story Time.

Fun cupcakes my aunt Donna bought for snack! : )

Our first night of VBS we had 15 boys and girls and last night we had 14. Please pray for us that we might reach the boys and girls for Jesus. One little girl brought her bible that we had given to her during Faith Finders two summers ago. Here is a picture of our little note to her.

Thank you for your prayers! : )

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More Moments from First Grade

Student 1: "Wow, I wish we were in Mexico today so that we could celebrate Cinco de Mayo!"
Student 2: "No way, I wouldn't want to be in Mexico."
Miss Ryder: "Why not?"
Student 2: "I'd probably get Swine Flu."

Today was one of those days! :)

Miss Ryder...Look!

This morning, while settling into the classroom, one young man approached me. His face was filled with excitement.
"Miss Ryder, Miss Ryder...Look! This book has one of those things where you can choose which thing you would like to learn about!"
I responded with, "And what is that called?"
His response without hesitation was, "The Table of Continents!"

Funny, funny, funny! I'm thankful for these cute moments as we wrap up our school year! :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Quick Little Funny!

In my classroom we share things pretty openly. We're sort of like a little family here for eight hours each day. :) One of the young ladies in my room had missed a couple of days due to having severe/migraine headaches. I talked with my class about this and we were all concerned about her.

At the same time we are beginning a butterfly unit. We have spent quite a bit of time discussing monarch butterflies.

One of my sweet, little first graders went home and told her mommy that she was worried about one of her classmates because she was having monarch headaches. :) So cute... :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Books, Books, Books

As a teacher who has a background with reading, I’m sure that you can imagine that I enjoy reading books. I love stories of all shapes and sizes, but I also really enjoy nonfiction. I thought I’d just share some of the books that I’ve read this school year. I’d love to hear about what you are reading.

In the Classroom:

I’ve read a multitude of picture books. One of my favorites is "My Little Sister Ate One Hare" by Bill Grossman. This is a highly amusing tale which ends with a very yucky conclusion.

I enjoy reading E.B. White Books: "Charlotte’s Web", "The Trumpet of the Swan", and "Stuart Little." All three stories are utterly delightful.

"Ramona the Pest" by Beverly Cleary. I have several students who are struggling behaviorally this year. I have found that seeing the bad choices that Ramona made, helped them to begin to looking at themselves.

"The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" by Barbara Robinson. Each of my seven years of teaching thus far, I have read this book during Christmas time. We have traditionally read it as a family for several years. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend this story! This year I cried during the story because I have so many boys and girls that live the Herdman lifestyle.

"The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. This is one of my favorite books of all time and my first grade students absolutely loved it this year. Our superintendent came to my class the other day and they got the chance to tell him all about it!

"My Father’s Dragon" by Ruth Stiles Gannett. This is the first time that I have read this book. It is truly a delightful tale and a wonderful book to use when teaching children about predictions.

"The Mouse and The Motorcycle" by Beverly Cleary. We are currently reading this book in class. My boys are especially into this tale!

Educational Reading:

"12 Powerful Words" by Larry I. Bell

"Results Now" by Mike Schmoker

"Reading Essentials: The Specifics You Need to Teach Reading Well" by Regie Routman

Personal Reading:

"The Shack" by William P. Young. This was a thought provoking book.

"Each New Day" by Corrie Ten Boom. There are some wonderful short nuggets of truth in this little book.

"The Firstborn Advantage: Making Your Birth Order Work for You" by Dr. Kevin Leman. This is a very interesting book.

"Completely His: Loving Jesus without Limits" by Shannon Ethridge.

"Answering the Guy Questions: The Set-Apart Girls Guide to Relating to the Opposite Sex" by Leslie Ludy. Eric and Leslie Ludy have written a variety of books. I have quite the collection of single girl books. I just got this one recently and my roomie is reading it now.

"A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael" by Elizabeth Elliot. This is what I’m reading currently.

There are other books that I read bits and pieces of, but here it this school year in a shell. So, what are you reading?


Monday, April 13, 2009

It is Finished?

At the close of a beautiful, restful Easter Sunday filled with the love of my creator, I ventured out to a choir service. The melodies met me as I entered the church door and my heart swelled with wonder and amazement as my mind focused on Him.

The final song that the choir sang was "It Is Finished." I chose to focus on what my Savior had done, but my heart became heavy as I pondered statements made prior to the choir singing this old song.

The leader presented the prospect that if I give my life to Jesus the battle will be over, or finished. While I agree that as I develop a relationship with God, a desire to please Him is there so that I don't want to go against His best, the battle of our flesh and spirit seems to still exist. Maybe I'm just the odd one, but it is a daily choice to follow Jesus. I must consistently, consciously choose to give up myself so that He can form me to be like Him.

You see, I have layers, or areas that Jesus continually shows me as I walk with Him. I have a choice as to how I respond when presented with another area that needs work. I can take the easy route. I can blame it on others around me. I can blame it on my personality or the way that I was raised. I can reject it as truth and simply go on believing what I want to believe. OR
I can ask for forgiveness concerning this area that I did not see and with the help of God I can grow and change and move along to the next layer.

This to me doesn't seem like a battle that is over. Yet, a continual refining of me and continual trusting of my Lord.

Recently there have been several issues in my life that I have reexamined. I've felt a little out of the loop, sort of like an older woman. :) Here are the ideas of some other people who seem to think that the battle isn't over.

Ellen White
On one occasion I spoke in reference to genuine sanctification, which is nothing less than a daily dying to self and daily conformity to the will of God... Paul's sanctification was a constant conflict with self. Said he, "I die daily." 1 Cor. 15:31. His will and his desires every day conflicted with duty and the will of God. Instead of following inclination, he did the will of God, however unpleasant and crucifying to his nature.

Helen Keller
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through the experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”

Oswald Chambers
“Jesus Christ had no tenderness whatsoever toward anything that was ultimately going to ruin a person in his service to God.... If the Spirit of God brings to your mind a word of the Lord that hurts you, you can be sure that there is something in you that He wants to hurt to the point of its death.”

If you follow this link, you will find a clip of Elisabeth Elliot speaking about dying to self.


I would love to hear your suggestions, comments, ect. I've found that often I can see things more clearly when it is contradicted by someone. :)

Have a great day!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

First Grade Funnies

Minutes certainly do slip by quickly. I have fallen behind in my blogging. I have several thoughts today, but I'll stick with funnies for now! :)

Snack Time:
"OOOOOOWWWWEEEE!! Sweet, syrupy and creamy, waffles this snack is good!"

Writing about Families:
(Spoken through the teeth.) "My family is shilly because we like to dip little weeniesh in shyrup."

Entering the Classroom:
"I've died and gone to Kentucky"

After an anouncement that we would be writing:
Hands were dramatically folded into a praying position..."DEAR GOD, THANK YOU FOR MISS RYDER!"

While working on a paper:
"This is a top notch day, don't you think?"

Have a day filled with happy, funny moments!

Monday, February 16, 2009

It is Well

I received the call from a gentleman in my life. He asked if I’d be willing to go out on the town with him…

This past weekend, I had the privilege of visiting my dear brother. We had a wonderful Valentine’s Day! A lovely cup of soup, delightful conversation, and the symphony! What girl could ask for more? Thank you, Lucas, for being an incredible brother! I love you!

Rachel, my sister, and I also got to hear the GBS choir. It was such an enjoyable Sunday. They sang one of my favorite songs…It is Well.

The words to one particular verse spoke to my heart.

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

As I listened to these words again my heart began to rejoice. There are so many areas of life that I must surrender to Him. But one day…I will stand before him and he will welcome me home…

Whether single or married…
It is well with my soul.
Whether wealthy or struggling…
It is well with my soul.
Whether lonely or full…
It is well with my soul.

Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to be well!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

CRAZY!!! :)

Our week in First Grade has been a bit busy!!! We celebrated our 100th day of school. This involved 100 balloons in our classroom, pictures of what we will look like in 100 years, writing 100 words, reading 100 books, and many more exciting things. This year 100s day fell on the same day as my birthday, so things were a little crazy. We've also celebrated Abraham Lincoln's 200th birthday and tomorrow will be Valentine's parties. Needless to say, it has been a little crazy in this little room! Fun...but crazy...

Here are some pictures...

One Hundred balloons...we didn't pop one until the end of the day!!! :)

Writing 100 words.

Beautiful Birthday flowers from my friend, Dorinda! :)

Writing while wearing our Abe Lincoln hats. :)

I trust that you all have a wonderful Valentine's weekend! May you bask in the love of your Heavenly Father!