Hello dear friends. It's been some time since I've ventured into blog world. This is due to the great amount of craziness and change since my last post. Wow, since then I've made the decision to move to Florida to teach fourth grade. With the help of my awesome family and Alanna, (THANK YOU GUYS!!!!) my first grade classroom is packed and sitting in my parent's garage. We're in the middle of a VBS this week at my parent's church. It is going really great! Here are a few pictures to document what has been happening lately.
A great visit with my grandparents, Lucas and Alanna!
Lucas helping to blow up the whale...Willy!
Willy lives!!! A BIG thank you to my cousins Christian and Kelsae for helping to finish the blowing process! : )

Underwater creatures hanging from the ceiling! Rachel, Christian and Kelsae did all of this!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!!

Fun decorations! Yeah!
THANK YOU Esther for cutting out these scary critters! : )

Willy hanging from the ceiling!

Bible Story Time.

Fun cupcakes my aunt Donna bought for snack! : )
Our first night of VBS we had 15 boys and girls and last night we had 14. Please pray for us that we might reach the boys and girls for Jesus. One little girl brought her bible that we had given to her during Faith Finders two summers ago. Here is a picture of our little note to her.
Thank you for your prayers! : )
oh Jo - the church looks great! Thanks for posting the pictures! I hope you guys have a good rest of the week with VBS! :)
I am SUPER excited about you moving to FL!!! We can meet in the middle and have McDonald's icecream! I can't wait to come see your apt. and classroom. It may be a little bit (I'll be held here for a bit, recovering), but I couldn't be more excited!!! =)
Jo, you're amazing.
Jo!!!! Been meaning to email you or something since learning from Kayla of your move...excited and will be praying for you. Also, selfishly looking forward to seeing you when I plan to visit Fl. in Dec.
i so loved the kiddos who came to our vbs...so important to touch these little lives if only for a moment...you have touched sooo many and i hope you know how much it matters!
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